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International Summer School 2009
Megacities: Health, Geomatics and Climate Change

7th - 11th September 2009

University of Bielefeld, School of Public Health,
Department of Public Health Medicine

In 2009 the International Summer School Programme “Megacities: Health, Geomatics and Climate Change” is combined with the well-established courses on infectious disease epidemiology (IDE) (website: http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/gesundhw/ag2/summerschoolIDE/) and Multilevel Modelling for Public Health and Health services Research (MLM) (website: http://iph-partnership.org), to improve the knowledge about geo-statistical and epidemiological methods for controlling the predominant health problems of the 21st century.

The course will focus on various dimensions of environment and health in megacities, such as megacity development, demographic and epidemiological transitions, population projection, diseases’ burden, health determinants, and climate change. The aim is to combine theoretical and lab work on statistical/epidemiological and spatially explicit techniques in a transdisciplinary approach.

Our participants will be enabled

A flyer is available for pdf icon download.

For more information and application, please visit this website: